Nurse's Corner

School Nurses

                           Nurse:   Alyssa Kolas
                          908-851-6444 (Nurse)
                       Email: [email protected]


Dear Parents and Guardians,

 I want to let you know that I really look forward to working with your children and getting to know each and everyone of them – even though I may see some more than others.  I have a very vast job description.  Besides doing screenings like hearing and vision and tending to illness and injuries,  I try to do whatever is needed to make sure your child has a happy, healthy, safe and productive day.  I hope to show them that they can come to me, whether they need help with an injury or need help finding a lunch box.  I have just a few tips and reminders to help your child’s school year run smoothly.

We need to keep the school as germ free as possible to protect the health of all the children.  Please do not send your child to school with diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 24 hours or a temperature of over 100.  Children should be fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication) before returning to school. 

I want to thank you all for calling me when your child is going to be absent or late.  It is important that I get a phone call before 9:30am in the morning.  You can call my number anytime before then and I will get your message from my answering machine. I worry if I can’t account for all of our students, so if you don’t call me I have to call you.   Also, please keep me updated on any changes in any of your phone numbers and emergency contacts. 

Gym is an important part of your child’s school program, as well.  If your child has been ill or injured and is unable to participate in gym for more than two gym days, then a doctor’s note is required.  If a child is excused from gym, they stay inside during lunch recess also unless the doctor’s note specifically states they can go outside.

Regarding medication:  I cannot give your child any medication whether it is prescription or over the counter unless I have a doctor’s note stating I can give it in school.
The only students that are required to get the regular flu vaccine are our pre-schoolers.  They must have the regular flu shot between September 1st and December 31st

We have a lost and found on the first floor . If you put your child’s name inside his or her lunch box and name or initials in the label of his or her jackets, sweatshirts or zip-ups I will know who to return them to if they show up in the lost and found.  You can also call me to see if I have an item your child is missing.  I already have several jackets and sweaters in the lost and found. 

 If you need to reach me, my number is 908-851-6444 and my e- mail address is    I hope we all have a happy and healthy school year.

Thank you.

Mrs. Kolas









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