New Student Registration
New students may be registered through electronic submission only.
As you begin new student registration:
- A child is eligible for entrance into Kindergarten who will have attained the age of five years on or before Octoer 1 of the year in which entrance is sought. No child will be admitted to Kindergarten who has not met the age requirement set by this policy. Policy 5112 - Entrance Age
- A child is eligible for entrance into first grade who will have attained the age of six years on or before October 1 of the year in which entrance is sought and has completed the Kindergarten program of this district or an equivalent program elsewhere and has been recommended by the teacher for advancement to the first grade. Policy 5112 - Entrance Age
Required Documents for verification/registration:
Documentation MUST be uploaded in a PDF FORM at the time of registration.
- Official/Original Birth Certificate in English
- Proofs of Residency
- Current lease/deed/mortgage statement or current municipal tax statement
- Three current (within last 45 days) utility bills, bank statement, recent paycheck/stub, credit card statement, and/or NJ Drivers License
- If you have moved to a new address in Union, we will accept a confirmation of utilities as a temporary proof of residency.
- Current Immunization record and Health Profile completed by your physician.
- Transfer card with NJ State Identification Number
- Transcripts/Report Card for placement
- A copy of your child's IEP or Section 504 Accomodation Plan if they have special needs
- If parents/guardians live at more than one address, court documentation of the custody agreement MUST be supplied.
- Legal guardian MUST provide court documentation of guardianship
- Court Orders or state agency agreements, if applicable
- Affidavits required for registrants living with family members
Review the School Assingment Listings to determine the school your child will attend:
Ready to Register?
Go to the Genesis Registration Portal link to begin registration.